OSP Behind the Screens

For almost 20 years, we’ve been helping schools and districts manage their school activity and internal funds. Here’s what’s been happening behind the scenes. 


Acelo Solutions is Founded

John Toman, Jesse Cofield, and Mike Bohn found Acelo Solutions, a Microsoft Dynamics GP consulting firm servicing both public and private entities.

JULY 2002

First Platform for K-12 Schools is Created

Acelo Solutions creates a local K-12 school activity funds platform that is adopted by three school districts: Fairfax County Public Schools, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and Broward County Public Schools.

June 2007

Online Card Payment Solution is Piloted

Acelo Solutions launches a pilot project for accepting credit cards online for internal funds in Broward Country Public Schools. 

january 2008

Acelo Solutions Becomes OSMS

The three original partners and longtime employee Tony Watkins form Online School Management Systems (OSMS). They develop a new payment platform, Online School Payments (OSP), specifically for K-12 schools.

August 2008

Schools Love OSMS

Mooresville Graded School District becomes OSMS’s first client. From there, one turns into 5,000, as schools and districts around the country discover the benefits of OSP. 

May 2019

OSMS Joins the Edlio Family

Edlio acquires OSMS, bringing together the school payments platform and Edlio’s CMS, which powers the websites of over 10,000 schools nationwide. 

OSP by Edlio Today

Today, OSP by Edlio (formerly OSMS), works with over 6,000 schools, including nine of the top twenty-five largest school districts. Our platform has also grown to include solutions for teacher receipting, ticket management, after school care, and more! 
Read our clients’ stories